International Archives of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IAFAS), Website: 
September to October 2019 Vol 1(1): pp.17-21    DOI:

Copyright © 2019 C-International Archives

Original Article

Ticks infestation and diversity on indigenous cattle reared in Qua’an Pan LGA of Plateau State, Nigeria

Pam G. Rwang1, Hussein O. Ahmed1, Akwashiki Ombugadu1*, Hussaini Y. Hamid1, Cyril D. Nkup23

1Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Federal University of Lafia, Nasarawa State, Nigeria

2Department of Biology, College of Arts, Science and Technology, Kurgwi, Plateau State, Nigeria


*Corresponding Author’s Email:


Published November 5, 2019



Background: Ticks are distributed all over the world, they infest on livestock and man as a necessity to feed on blood at some stage of their life which results in transmission of tick-borne diseases. Therefore, the study on ticks infestation and diversity on indigenous cattle reared in Qua’an Pan Local Government Area of Plateau State, Nigeria was carried out between November 2014 and July 2015.  Two hundred cattle (123 females and 77 males) were randomly selected across five locations; of these, 97 (48.5%) individuals were infested with 200 ticks. The infestation rate of the ticks was predominant in Namu 60.0% (15/25) and least in Kurgwi 38.0% (19/50). However, there was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in ticks’ infestation across the five selected locations.  A significantly higher proportion (P < 0.05) of female cattle (61.5%) was infested with ticks as compared to males (38.5%). Six tick species were identified from the 200 ticks collected, of which Hyalomma ruficipes was the most predominant 65 (32.5%) followed by Amblyomma variegatum 51 (25.5%), Rhipicephalus sanguizeove 47 (23.5%), Boophilus neoroplus 27 (13.5%), while Otobuis species and Haemophysalis species were the least 5 (2.5%). Thus, there was a significant difference (χ2 = 94.42, df = 5, P < 0.001) in tick abundance between species. The diversity of ticks in the area was relatively low (Hʹ = 1.5). To this end, cattle owners should constantly monitor the body of their cattle weekly to keep them free of ticks.


Keywords: Ticks, cattle, infestation, diversity


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