IAMHR Vol 3, Issue 1 (July - September 2022)

Volume 3, Issue 1 (July – September 2022)

Table of Contents

Original article

Bello FZ, Awosan KJ, Umar AG, Danmadami AM, Attahiru A, David EC, Lawal A.

Prevalence and factors associated with anaemia among pregnant women attending the Antenatal Care Clinic of UDUTH, Sokoto, Nigeria.



 1 – 9

Original Article
Abubakar BG, Aliyu AA, Oche MO, Awosan KJ, Ango JT, Kaoje AU, Danmadami AM, Ezenwoko AZ.

A comparative study of the correlates of male involvement in family planning among men in urban and rural communities of Sokoto State, Nigeria.



 10 – 22

Original Article
Samaila A, Awosan KJ, Bakare TA, Eneojo IS, Dawakiji ML, Enejo AA.

Prevalence, associated factors and adverse effects of internet addiction among medical students at Usmanu Danfodiyo Unversity, Sokoto, Nigeria.



 23 – 30