We provide research consultancy services to students in higher institutions of learning, trainees in various disciplines, and individuals undertaking research in their area of specialization through our Locum Research Consultancy Specialists who are university lecturers (from the rank of Senior Lecturer and above) and Consultants in the teaching hospitals(with vast experience in teaching and research). These services complement the training received by students and trainees in their respective institutions and also avail them the opportunity of being mentored by specialists from other institutions.
We effect capacity building by organizing periodic “Research Methodology Workshop series” for students and trainees in their respective institutions at affordable costs, and also make our “Workshop Modules” available online to students, trainees and researchers across the globe at no cost.
Invitation for Locum Research Consultancy Specialists and Workshop Facilitators
Lecturers from the rank of Senior Lecturer and above are invited to join our team of “Locum Research Consultancy Specialists and Workshop Facilitators”. Please send your CV to rescon.cintarch@gmail.com
Invitation to Access Research Grant
Healthcare professionals working in Specialist Hospitals and Specialized Care Hospitals owned by State Governments, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Private Individuals are invited to apply for “Research Grant” through the management of their respective hospitals. The grant covers all aspects of research and publication, including review of proposal and data collection instrument, building data collection instrument into the Open Data Kit (ODK) form for data collection with mobile android phones, data analysis and interpretation, and peer-review / publication of manuscript. Those who are interested in accessing the grant should please inform the principal officers of their hospitals (e.g., Chief Medical Director or Medical Director, Chairman Medical Advisory Committee, Head of Clinical Services, etc) to please register their respective facilities with us by downloading and completing the “Collaborative Research Grant Registration Form”; the completed form should be submitted as an email attachment to rescon.cintarch@gmail.com
Following the registration of a facility, the template of our “Collaborative Research Grant Proposal” shall be sent to the institution concerned for circulation to their healthcare professionals who are to use it in drafting the proposal for their research, and then submit it to the management of their institution for approval and award of “Collaborative Research Grant Certificate” . The award entitles the beneficiaries to access our research and publication services without having to pay for the services themselves.
Workshop Modules
Module 1
Referencing with EndNote
Module 3
Creating a Database, Univariate Analysis
& Test of Normality in SPSS
Module 4
Basic Skills in Designing and Formatting the
Template of a Dissertation in MS Word